Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Withdrawing the twitter support

I have taken back the twitter support, primarily because nobody was using it and I am hoping to work on some other dimension of the product. Since nobody was using it, the every-minute cron job and the subsequent processing seemed a little wasteful to me. Hoping for something interesting for you in future.


  1. I am in San Francisco CA USA do you do the add 1 hour as in March as we move our watches ahead by 1hour. In Nov. we move our watches back by one hour. Have those adjustments already done or do we do them our self to the time that shows

  2. Your Rahu Kalam Calculator calculated the following for Singapore:

    On 2011 Apr 26 from 4:11 PM to 5:42 PM
    On 2011 Apr 27 from 1:09 PM to 2:40 PM
    On 2011 Apr 28 from 2:40 PM to 4:11 PM

    while the one at calculated as:

    * On 26 April 2011 Rahukalam is from 13:34:50 to 15:06:01
    * On 27 April 2011 Rahukalam is from 10:32:20 to 12:03:31
    * On 28 April 2011 Rahukalam is from 12:03:22 to 13:34:33

    There is some calculation error. Please check and let us know.

  3. Dear Shreeni

    Thank you for RahuKalam calculator. It is very useful. I have placed links from my website from following page.

  4. Changing of place is not working.
